Has your Toyostove been

untouched for 5+ years?

Winter Protection Rebuild

If you have not had a service on your Toyostove in at least 5 years, we encourage you to book a Winter Protection Rebuild.

Toyostoves tend to start failing around the 7-8 year mark, depending on use. Some used on low temps make it 10 years, and others pushed hard go 5. The issues Toyostoves experience are failed gaskets, failed O-rings, overheating, warped components, carbon build-up, and eventually worn out moving parts. The best thing you can do to ensure a clean burn, no excessive smell, and efficient fuel usage is to make sure all your gaskets are replaced, no parts have suffered excessive heat warping, and all moving parts and filters are in serviceable condition.

While the cost of the Winter Protection Rebuild may seem high (often $400-$700/ stove —> details below), it is priced fairly, uses OEM parts, and we can take your budget into account.

We calculate the cost to properly maintain a Toyostove at 5-6% of the original MSRP stove cost per year. If you wait 10 years, you may well pay 1/2 the price of a new stove. The longer you put off maintenance, the more likely we will have to do more expensive repairs.

Our Winter Protection Rebuild includes:

  1. Full gasket replacement with OEM gaskets to ensure air-sealed connections

  2. Thorough check of all moving parts, systems, filters, and connectors.

  3. Full cleaning of entire inside of stove

  4. Flushing Heat chamber to remove carbon

  5. Cleaning & recoating the burn pot to ensure a clean, efficient burn

Minimum Required Parts by Stove Model (Your stove may require additional parts.)

  • Laser 30 - $93

  • Laser 300 - $49

  • Laser 530 - $60

  • Laser 56 - $91

  • L60AT - $106

  • Laser 73/ 730 - $121

Expect service to last 3-5 hours.